
Introducing RabbitSwap

Rabbitswap is our built-in DEX, projects incubated on RabbitPad will instantly list on RabbitSwap. RabbitSwap was built to become a multichain DEX, connect between Solana and other blockchains.

Powered By: Jupiter

As a multichain platform, Rabbitswap use a bridge that allows existing projects, platforms and communities to move tokenized assets seamlessly across different blockchains.

On the surface, Rabbitswap works like any other AMM DEX, with a simple UI allows users to transfer assets with just 1 click.

Under the surface, Rabbitswap will work as a bridge, to connect between 2 different chains. On a simple level, when a team with ERC/BSC token wants to create a SPL token, Solswap will help them to deloys a version of SPL, while validate that the equal tokens on ERC/BSC get burnt.

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